The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Tracking on Amazon


In the highly competitive world of Amazon, having a comprehensive understanding of keyword tracking is essential for the success of your business. By monitoring your keyword rankings, you can optimize your product listings, stay ahead of your competitors, and drive more sales. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the ins and outs of keyword tracking on Amazon and provide valuable insights into the best practices to enhance your performance.

Section 1: Introduction to Keyword Tracking

What is Keyword Tracking?

Keyword tracking is the process of monitoring the performance and ranking of specific keywords on Amazon's search engine. It allows sellers to analyze how their products are performing in relation to targeted keywords and provides valuable data to optimize their listings.

The Importance of Keyword Tracking

Tracking keywords on Amazon is crucial for several reasons:

1. Optimize Product Listings: By monitoring keyword rankings, you can identify which keywords are driving the most traffic and sales to your listings. This information helps you optimize your product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to improve visibility and conversion rates.

2. Stay Ahead of Competitors: Keyword tracking enables you to monitor the performance of your competitors and identify their keyword strategies. By analyzing their rankings, you can make informed decisions to outperform them and gain a competitive edge.

3. Maximize Advertising Budget: Keyword tracking helps you identify the keywords that are generating organic sales. Once your product ranks high organically for a specific keyword, you can reduce or pause advertising spend on that keyword, saving your budget for other opportunities.

How Does Keyword Tracking Work?

Keyword tracking tools use sophisticated algorithms to monitor the rankings of specific keywords for your product. These tools collect and analyze data from Amazon's search engine and provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on your keyword performance.

Section 2: Choosing the Right Keyword Tracking Tool

Features to Look for in a Keyword Tracking Tool

When selecting a keyword tracking tool, consider the following features:

1. Accurate Tracking with all Variants: Ensure that the tool can track all the variants of your product, including parent and child ASINs. This is crucial if you have multiple variations under one product.

2. Competitor Tracking: Look for a tool that allows you to track the keyword rankings of your competitors. This feature helps you understand their strategies and make data-driven decisions.

3. Keyword Trend Comparison: Choose a tool that enables you to compare the ranking trends of multiple keywords. This feature is particularly useful when launching a product with multiple keywords or testing different launching methods.

4. Ranking Changes and Page Changes: Opt for a tool that not only tracks keyword ranking positions but also monitors changes in the ranking page. This allows you to identify keywords with significant improvements or drops and take immediate action.

SellerSprite: A Powerful Keyword Tracking Tool

One highly recommended keyword tracking tool is SellerSprite. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, SellerSprite is designed to help sellers make data-driven decisions and boost their Amazon business. Sellersprite's keyword tracking tool provides accurate and reliable data, allowing you to optimize your listings and outperform your competitors. Additionally, SellerSprite offers additional features such as Keyword Mining and Listing Builder to further enhance your keyword optimization efforts.

Section 3: How to Track Keywords Effectively

Step 1: Choose Your Target Keywords

The first step in effective keyword tracking is selecting the right keywords to monitor. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-converting keywords for your product. Consider factors such as search volume, competition, and relevance to your product.

SellerSprite extension can help you to find your target keywords just in viewing one product on Amazon page. Taking Anker's power bank as an example, when you open the listing page, you can open SellerSprite extension to click the "Keyword Mining" feature to find keywords under this product.

Step 2: Set Up Your Tracking

Once you have identified your target keywords, it's time to set up your tracking. Enter the keywords into your chosen keyword tracking tool and specify the ASINs or products you want to track. Some tools also allow you to track your competitors' rankings alongside your own.

In SellerSprite extension, you can choose some keywords with high relavance and high click concentration and copy them to clipboard. Then open SellerSprite Web and click the "Keyword Tracker" feature and click "Add New Product" and enter the Asin of that product and save.

After the product has been successfully added, you may add keywords you have just copied to minitor.

For example, I have added the top 10 keywords under this product for tracking and then saved it.

Step 3: Monitor Keyword Rankings

Now that your tracking is set up, it's time to monitor your keyword rankings. Regularly check the data provided by your keyword tracking tool to see how your product is performing for each keyword. Pay attention to any changes in rankings and take appropriate actions to optimize your listings.

Step 4: Analyze Competitor Rankings

In addition to monitoring your own keyword rankings, keep a close eye on your competitors' rankings. Analyze their strategies and identify keywords they are targeting. This information can help you refine your own keyword optimization efforts and stay ahead of the competition.

For example, you can add the competing products that are listed with similar prices, shapes and functions to monitor their data. Let's add power bank of another brand from China. It is found when I search for "power bank", using a similar process. You can use the "Keyword Mining" feature to find its keywords and add Asin of it into the "Keyword Tracker" feature. Then add the keywords to monitor.

Step 5: Optimize Your Listings

Based on the insights gained from your keyword tracking, optimize your product listings accordingly. Make strategic updates to your titles, bullet points, descriptions, and backend keywords to improve your keyword relevancy and increase your chances of ranking higher on Amazon's search engine.

SellerSprite has offered a totally free feature "Listing Builder" to help you optimize your listings. It streamlines building an Amazon product listing quickly, from gathering and selecting the most effective keywords to sending the final listing to Seller Central to be published. 

Section 4: Tips for Effective Keyword Tracking

Tip 1: Track Multiple Variations

If you have multiple variations of a product, make sure your keyword tracking tool can monitor the rankings of all variants. This ensures that you have a comprehensive view of your product's performance for each keyword.

Tip 2: Regularly Update Your Tracking

Keywords trends and rankings can change over time. It's essential to regularly update your tracking to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Set a schedule to review and update your keyword tracking regularly.

Tip 3: Use Filters and Sorting Options

Make use of the filtering and sorting options provided by your keyword tracking tool. These features allow you to focus on specific keywords, track changes more effectively, and identify opportunities for optimization.

Tip 4: Stay Informed About Amazon Algorithm Updates

Stay up to date with Amazon's algorithm updates and changes in search ranking factors. This knowledge will help you adapt your keyword tracking and optimization strategies to align with Amazon's evolving search engine.


Keyword tracking is an essential aspect of succeeding on Amazon. By consistently monitoring your keyword rankings, you can optimize your listings, outperform competitors, and drive more sales. Choose a reliable keyword tracking tool like SellerSprite and follow the best practices outlined in this guide to maximize the potential of your Amazon business. Remember, effective keyword tracking is a continuous process that requires regular updates and adjustments. Stay proactive, adapt to changes, and leverage the power of keywords to achieve Amazon success.

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