How to Find Someone's Amazon Storefront and Seller Information


Finding someone's Amazon storefront and seller information can be a daunting task, especially when there are countless sellers and products on the platform. However, with a little guidance, you can efficiently locate the storefront and seller information on Amazon. In this comprehensive article, we'll walk you through the process of finding an Amazon storefront, understanding the benefits of Amazon stores, and locating seller information.

What is an Amazon Storefront?

An Amazon storefront, also known as an Amazon store or Amazon brand store, is a personalized online shop created by sellers to showcase and sell their products on the Amazon platform. It offers a unique and engaging shopping experience, enabling customers to browse a wide range of products quickly and efficiently while reflecting the seller's brand identity.

Benefits of Amazon Storefronts

  • Brand Experience: Amazon storefronts allow sellers to create a unique brand experience for customers, ensuring they can find all the products offered by the seller in one location.

  • Marketing and Advertising: Sellers can use their storefronts as a landing page for promoting their products and marketing strategies.

  • Product Comparison: Storefronts make it easier for customers to compare products and prices from different sellers, ultimately helping them make better purchasing decisions.

  • Trust and Credibility: A well-designed and maintained storefront instills trust and credibility in customers, ensuring they're purchasing from the brand itself and not a third-party reseller.

How to Find Amazon Storefronts

On Amazon's Website

  1. Visit the Amazon website.

  2. Use the search bar to look for the product or seller you're interested in.

  3. From the search results, click on a product.

  4. Locate the "Other Sellers" section on the right side of the product page.

  5. Click on the store name under the "Other Sellers" section.

  6. You will be redirected to the seller's storefront.

On Amazon's App

  1. Open the Amazon app on your smartphone.

  2. Use the search bar to look for the product or seller you're interested in.

  3. From the search results or product detail page, click on the "Shop [Brand] Store" button.

  4. You will be redirected to the brand's mobile storefront.

How to Locate Seller Information

Finding Seller ID on Amazon

  1. Navigate to the seller's storefront as described in the previous section.

  2. Look at the URL in the address bar of your browser.

  3. Locate the "merchant=" parameter in the URL.

  4. The alphanumeric combination that follows the "merchant=" parameter is the seller's unique ID.

Reverse Image Search in Brand Registry

If you're a brand owner and have registered your brand with Amazon's Brand Registry, you can use the reverse image search feature to find a storefront or seller using your product images.

  • Log in to your Brand Registry account.

  • Navigate to the "Brand Dashboard" or "Global Brand Registry."

  • Use the reverse image search tool to upload your product image or provide the image URL.

  • Amazon will display any storefronts or sellers using the same product image, allowing you to take appropriate action if necessary.

SellerSprite Brand Check 

You can automatically checks for potential branding violations in the product listing title and description with SellerSprite Brand Checker on browser extension.

Download SellerSprite browser extension >>

Setting Up an Amazon Storefront

To set up an Amazon storefront, you must first be enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. This section details the steps required to create and customize your Amazon storefront.

  1. Create a Seller Account and Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry: To get started, create an Amazon seller account and enroll your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry.

  2. Log in to Seller Central: Access your Seller Central account and navigate to the "Stores" tab followed by "Manage Stores."

  3. Click "Create Store": Click on the "Create Store" button to get started with the store setup process.

  4. Choose a Template: Select a template for your store. Each template includes adjustable tiles for images, text, video, and other types of content.

  5. Add Pages: Click on "Page Manager" and select "Add a page" to create pages for your store. Enter the page name and description and choose a page template.

  6. Customize Content: Use the "Tile Manager" to add and arrange content on your store pages.

  7. Select Products: Choose the products you want to feature in your store or use dynamic widgets to automatically populate various product displays, such as best-selling products.

  8. Preview Your Store: Use the "Preview Window" to see how your store will appear on both desktop and mobile browsers, ensuring that it meets Amazon's creative guidelines.

  9. Submit for Publishing: Once you're satisfied with your store, click "Submit for publishing" to make it live on Amazon.

Collaborating with a Graphic Designer

To create an attractive and professional storefront, you may consider hiring a graphic designer to help design your store. Ensure that the designer follows Amazon's creative guidelines and provide them with a detailed creative brief outlining your requirements for each module.

Amazon Storefront Insights and Best Practices

To optimize your Amazon storefront, it's essential to follow best practices and utilize storefront insights provided by Amazon. By implementing strategic formatting and "shoppable" images, you can enhance the customer shopping experience and drive more interactions and revenue growth.

Analyzing Storefront Performance

Amazon provides in-depth analytics detailing the performance of your storefront, allowing you to tailor content, customize marketing messages, and refine the customer experience to increase conversions.

Best Practices for Amazon Storefronts

  • Utilize Shoppable Images: Use images with clickable links that lead customers directly to product pages.

  • Strategic Formatting: Ensure that your storefront is organized and easy to navigate.

  • Leverage Analytics: Use Amazon's storefront analytics reports to identify areas for improvement and optimize your store accordingly.

SellerSprite Storefront Tracker

Integrate SellerSprite's Storefront Tracker seamlessly into your Amazon Storefront strategy to gain a competitive edge. With this tool, you can actively monitor your competitors and stay informed about their latest product releases. Track any competitor to observe their product launches and gauge the sales performance of various products. You can learn more about the SellerSprite's Storefront Tracker details. Elevate your Amazon Storefront experience with SellerSprite's powerful insights!


Now that you know how to find someone's Amazon storefront, locate seller information, and set up your own store, it's time to put these skills into action. By following the steps outlined in this article and utilizing the best practices and insights provided, you can create a successful Amazon storefront that drives customer engagement and revenue growth.

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