SellerSprite - A Detailed Interpretation Of the Product Category


The product category on SellerSprite uses the category of products during launching, which is the category in the top left corner of Listing.

The following image is from the US department. The primary category of this product is Cell Phones & Accessories.


There may be some problems in UK/France/Italy/Spain department. Because the primary category in these departments is often not industry-specific.
The images below are from the UK department. The primary categories are both Accessories.
The problem is that one secondary category is Keyboards, Mice & Input Devices, and the other is Travel Accessories.



Further reading:
Amazon has three category types:
1. Categories of products during launching
That is, the category selected when launching products on the Seller Center.
In the Best Sellers Rank of Product information on the Listing detail page, there will be also 2-4 categories and subcategories.


Best Sellers Rank:


The category entered from Best Sellers Rank is also the category of products during launching.

2. Marketing classification
It is mainly reflected in the keyword search box on Amazon, and the drop-down menu on the left. For example, a new item will be added to the menu on Prime Day: Prime Products.


It is also shown in the hidden menu to the left of the Amazon Logo.


3. Amazon internal classification
Amazon will classify products into the third-level category.
The following is the sales and ranking of the third-level category on 2018Q1 (Amazon internal data).

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